The Natura 2000 network is a European tool for preserving biodiversity. His mission ? Ensuring that people take better account of environmental issues in their activities. Natura 2000 thus brings together sites whose habitats and/or species are of community interest which should be protected. These areas are listed in the two European directives “Birds” and “Habitats-Fauna-Flora”.

With its rich biodiversity, the Park is home to two Natura 2000 sites: the Montagne de Reims forest massif (southern slope) and associated ponds, as well as the Pâtis de Damery. Go ahead and discover these remarkable natural spaces!

Damery Pastries

  • Towns : 2 (Damery and Venteuil)
  • Wide : 93 hectares
  • Code name : FR2100271

Damery Pâtis correspond to ancient grazed moors. These gradually became overgrown and then wooded, as pastoralism gradually declined. This site is located on the edge of the Montagne de Reims plateau, and is distinguished by its millstone clays which cover limestone levels. Thanks to this topography and geology, it gave life to rare, magnificently diverse natural environments !

There, ancient extraction activities and soil compaction have formed cavities housing numerous ponds. The acidity and poverty of the soil are at the origin of a particular vegetation of acidic heaths. The maintenance of this vegetation under high-voltage lines to the east of the site, in partnership with RTE, allows the maintenance and development of its habitats.

The Pâtis de Damery site is co-managed with the Conservatory of Natural Spaces of Champagne-Ardenne, long-time partner of the Park

The Montagne de Reims forest massif (southern slope) and associated ponds

  • Towns : 17 (Ambonnay, Avenay-Val-d'Or, Aÿ-Champagne, Bouzy, Champillon, Dizy, Fontaine-sur-Ay, Germaine, Hautvillers, Mailly-Champagne, Mutigny, Nanteuil-la-Forêt, Saint-Imoges, Trépail , Val de Livre, Ville-en-Selve, Villers-Marmery).
  • Wide : 1 hectares
  • Code name : FR2100312

Located on a portion of the southern slope of the Montagne de Reims forest massif, this site is divided into several municipalities. This incredible habitat mosaic hosts many species, some of which are rare and protected. In fact, it is composed of 90% forest habitats, punctuated by ponds and exceptional open habitats, like dry lawns.

Proof of this wealth? The site has 10 Natural Areas of Ecological Fauna and Flora Interest (ZNIEFF), identified before the 2000s! He even has an old quarry, which constitutes a wintering place of choice for several species of our bat friends !

The Yellow-bellied Ringer

If the Park had a mascot, there is no doubt that it could have the features of this cute toad, emblematic of our forests!

The Yellow-bellied Ringer (Bombina variegata) Is one of the smallest amphibians in Europe (4 to 5 cm at adult size). With its size, its discretion and its “earth-colored” back, its camouflage is unstoppable… Other particularities? Heart-shaped pupils and a belly spotted with yellow and black : so chic ! Be careful, however: this bright yellow color, testifying to its toxicity, is intended to frighten its predators...

The Yellow-bellied Ringer can live for around ten years and reproduces from April to August, mainly in forest ruts. These so-called “temporary” environments, often of human origin, are very present in the territory. That's whyit is recommended to bypass the ruts in order to contribute to the tranquility and survival of this species threatened and protected in France.

And the actions of the Park in all this?

Liven up the territory

In our team, Fanny Bourgoin is responsible for running our two Natura 2000 sites. She supports elected officials and project leaders in their efforts.

My objective is to guarantee that local socio-economic projects are both qualitative and sustainable, to preserve the wealth of these areas in the long term!

Some examples ? Develop non-impactful sporting events, help with the rational development of circuits, or even provide technical support for town planning documents.

So, every year, she organize the Steering committee (COPIL), in the presence of the Sub-Prefecture, elected officials and technical partners (National Forestry Office, Conservatory of Natural Spaces of Champagne-Ardenne, Electricity Transport Network, etc.). This moment of discussion is an opportunity to take stock of the actions carried out, to study possible blocking points and to think about new projects!

Ensure naturalist monitoring

These follow-ups are valuable for improve our knowledge and adapt practices management of each.

Finance actions

The Natura 2000 network makes it possible to finance different actions, up to 80% for communities, or even 100%. Among them :

  • Economic compensation is paid for the creation of forest aging islands, favorable to forest biodiversity and good soil fertility;
  • Work is subsidized for the restoration of environments (clearings, heaths, forest ponds, etc.).

Want to know more ?

You are right to be curious! To follow the news from our sites Natura 2000 or ask your questions, 3 solutions are available to you:

The engineering, actions as well as the “2023-2025 Animation of the Natura 2000 sites FR2100271 and FR2100312” are co-financed by the European Union with the European Development Fund Regional (76€) and the Grand Est Region (€51).

Total cost of the project: €128

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