Do you have a question about the Parc de la Montagne de Reims on your mind? The answer is surely below. Otherwise, contact our team directly via the form below: we will be happy to help you!


Nowadays, there is no bivouac or wild camping area yet on the territory of the Parc de la Montagne de Reims.


We invite you to consult our calendar of driven hunting periods, to view the sectors concerned by date. Information relating to hunting days during the week and on weekends is communicated to us voluntarily by the hunting companies: certain gaps may therefore exist.

However, in the field, a hunting area is always indicated by signs, particularly at the start of hiking trails. It is therefore It is essential to respect this signage and avoid hunted areas..

Depending on the case, a forest may belong to a private owner, a public establishment (communal forest) or even to the State (state forest). So-called “public” forests (municipal and state-owned in particular) are intended to welcome the public. However, they are also places for preserving biodiversity, as well as production spaces (for wood resources). Certain areas may therefore be closed to the public, sometimes temporarily (for example during a forestry project in progress).

Whatever the nature of the forest in which you are walking, we advise you to stay on the trails. If a ban on entering a plot is reported on the ground, it is important to respect this sign.

Depending on the nature of the sporting event you are organizing, it probably requires a submission of authorization request on the platform

It is the Epernay Sub-Prefecture (departmental center for sporting events) which issues these authorizations. When it concerns an event crossing the territory of the Montagne de Reims Regional Natural Park, we are then consulted by the Sub-Prefecture.

We therefore recommend that organizers preparing a new event and/or a new route contact the Park well in advance of the event (or even before posting on, in order to validate the feasibility of a route from a “natural environments” point of view before launching any approach.

If the event passes through a Natura 2000 site, a Assessment of Natura 2000 Impacts will also be necessary. We also support you in this process.



Depending on the annual programming of its showroom, it is possible that the Maison du Parc will host photographic exhibitions. You can doing request it directly from her. Photographic exhibitions should always have a link with biodiversity, natural and cultural heritage of the Montagne de Reims.


It is with great pleasure that we put twenty exhibitions at your disposal free of charge on the natural and cultural heritage of the Montagne de Reims. You can get their catalog on demand or download.

Furthermore, we offer free of charge to associations and communities of exhibition grids, caddy type, upon prior reservation. Priority is given to municipalities, Park associations or events linked to the Park's missions.



Architecture and urbanism

In order to best preserve and enhance the classified territory of the Park, we will guide you in choosing the best conditions for integrating your project into its environment. We can guide you on the location of the construction, the selection of materials and colors, the techniques best suited for the restoration of your old building, etc. We can also advise you on landscaping support for your project.

Quite ! We help municipalities by carrying out descriptive technical statements and recommendation notes for catering elements of small heritage. We can even financially support certain works restoration as part of calls for projects, with the support of the Grand Est Region.

Several reasons can explain this rejection… Your project may not comply with regulations (consult the town planning document of the municipality concerned), or it may not enhance the local built landscapes.

For example, architecture foreign to the region is prohibited (Savoyard chalet, Provençal farmhouse, etc.), as are materials that are not consistent with traditional local architecture (canal tiles, black tiles, gray or brightly colored coatings, etc. .).

No, we no longer collect plastic covers, and have passed the baton to an external service provider. You can contact the company directly Mytnik SAAF in Cernay-lès-Reims, on 03 26 07 30 40.

You must consult the town planning document where your project is located. To do this, contact your town hall directly or connect to the site

You can also consult the Park guides for construction (" Frame materials and colors "," Build, expand, renovate ").


You can contact the Park reception ou download the guide here our document directly.



Natural environments

If illegal dumping of waste is noted, first of all, call the nearest police station or gendarmerie. The legislation concerning waste is complex: we advise you to find out carefully before calling, in order to give maximum detail to the person you contact.

For more information, download the guide relating to the fight against abandonment and illegal dumping of waste, created by the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Do you want to participate in our actions and contribute to the preservation of biodiversity? Nothing's easier ! Send an email to [email protected] by specifying your contact details, as well as the activities for which you wish to support us.

We will contact you as soon as possible to find out more and add you to our database: you will thus be informed of the actions and projects organized.

As a first step, you can take advice from the Natura 2000 facilitator. She/he will be able to support you in your procedures, particularly for the filling of Natura 2000 Impact Assessment (EIN) : this document assesses the potential impact(s) of your project on habitats and species.

You can also check if your project must be subject to a Prior Assessment of Natura 2000 Impacts by consulting the lists which define the activities concerned (established by the regional directorate for the environment, planning and housing – DREAL Grand Est).

When faced with a wild animal in distress, and if the situation requires intervention, call the wildlife conservation center directly closest to you (never go there without calling them in advance to explain the situation to them):

More specifically, here are some important tips to know:


> For birds

  • It is not always necessary to intervene in the case of a baby bird that has feathers and is alert, or faced with a young bird of prey on the ground: it is certainly learning to fly and its parents will come and feed it.
  • If a risk exists (proximity to a road, risk of predation by a dog or cat), you can, however, put it in a safe place.
  • Furthermore, if the bird is injured or if it is a young bird without feathers, it is possible to intervene:
    • Wear gloves to catch it.
    • Place it in a cardboard box suitable for its size with small holes for ventilation, as well as a small bottle of hot water surrounded by a cloth or slipped into a sock so that the animal does not burn itself.
    • Do not give him anything to eat or drink, this could kill him.
    • Be sure to leave the animal quiet and in the dark to reduce its stress.
    • Quickly call the backup center closest to you.


> For hedgehogs

  • If a young hedgehog is alone in broad daylight, or if you come across an adult in bad shape (injured, weak), it is necessary to intervene.
  • Before any handling, remember to put on gloves.
  • Place it in a cardboard box suitable for its size with small holes for ventilation, as well as a small bottle of hot water surrounded by a cloth or slipped into a sock so that the animal does not burn itself.
  • Do not give him anything to eat or drink, this could kill him.
  • Be sure to leave the animal quiet and in the dark to reduce its stress.
  • Quickly call the backup center closest to you.


> For bats

  • Before any handling, remember to put on gloves.
  • Use an untorn piece of cloth to catch the bat.
  • Fold her wings against her body and place her (with the fabric) in a shoebox with small holes pre-drilled. You can also place a small bottle of hot water surrounded by a sock. The piece of fabric will serve as a hiding place to reduce his stress.
  • An injured bat may suffer from dehydration: you can add a bottle cap filled with water (which will need to be removed if transported).
  • Quickly call the backup center closest to you.


> For fawns, hares and fox cubs

  • Please note: if you find a fawn, fox cub or young goat alone, this is completely normal. Their mother must not be far away! Don't linger and turn back.
  • Above all, don't touch them. You risk impregnating them with your scent, so that their mother will no longer recognize it and abandon them.

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