Thanks to the Fondation du Patrimoine, the Mission Stéphane Bern and the company Primagaz, who have already committed to the Park to support the project of restoration and enhancement of the Vertin brickyard.

As a reminder: the Vertin brickworks is located in Saint-Imoges. The Park has owned it since the early 2000s. It is the last remaining (almost) complete brickworks in the area with a Hoffmann-type kiln with a double gallery and a 23 m high chimney. A rare example of the manufacture of terracotta, which has greatly contributed to the construction of traditional buildings and has marked the local architectural identity. The site, in the heart of the forest, like the buildings abandoned since the 1930s, are exceptional but fragile.

After a phase of fieldwork and documentation, the Park made initial contacts in the spring for a project to restore and enhance the site. And everything went very quickly! The Fondation du Patrimoine was enthusiastic and quickly passed on the information to its network, and we were able to collect the first sponsorships!

The Park, with its elected officials and partners, are working to bring this wonderful project to life within the next 3 years.

Now, we need all possible support to preserve, enhance and share, in the best possible conditions, this unique site and this incredible testimony to an activity that has shaped the identity of the built environment of the entire territory.

Join us !


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