That's it, the first edition of the call for projects “Old wood frame” launched by the Regional Natural Park has just closed!

4 project leaders are committed to this action favorable to forest biodiversity.

These are the municipalities of Villers-Allerand, Ay-Champagne, Val de Livre, as well as a private forestry group. A big thank you to them!

Thanks to their commitment, 4 islands of old wood have been set up in their respective forests (i.e. three islets in communal forests and one islet in private forest).

These 4 projects represent a total of an area of ​​5,5 hectares of forest, within which logging initially planned is now suspended for 30 years. In return, financial compensation was paid to them, as part of the call for projects.

This action will allow let areas of forest age beyond the classic exploitation age and thus preserve significant biodiversity (woodpeckers, pine martens, bats, many insects, etc.). An essential asset in a context of climate change and the health crisis of forest stands.

Next year, a scientific study will be carried out within islands of old wood and renewed every 10 years, in order to monitor the evolution of biodiversity in these preserved forest sectors.


Call for projects financed by the Grand-Est Region

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